
datetimepicker - how to move it?

Seikitsu 03 Apr, 2012
Hello world!
I have certain issue - I'd like to know how move the icon of a calendar in form from its standard position bellow the input box to the left of the input box. Anybody knows?
GreyHead 04 Apr, 2012
Hi Seikitsu,

Hmmm . . the standard position is to the right (at least on a ltr form).

Which datepicker are you using? or which version of ChronoForms?

Seikitsu 04 Apr, 2012
Yes, of course, to the right. It's a V3.1 RC5.2 of chronoforms.
GreyHead 04 Apr, 2012
Hi Seikitsu,

That should be the Aeron calendar - the docs are here I don't see any option to move the icon :-( I think that you can probably do it with CSS though.

Seikitsu 04 Apr, 2012
Ok, thanks anyway.
Seikitsu 05 Apr, 2012
Well, its solved, if anyone else is interested - in calendar2.css, there is a commented "float: left;" in button.dashboard, which you have to uncomment, to input.dashboard write "float:right;" and it may be necessary to custom width.
GreyHead 05 Apr, 2012
Hi Seikitsu,

Well found and thank you for posting the answer.

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