
New Install Error

Grizzled 03 Apr, 2012

I am using Joomla 1.5.22. I installed

When I go into the Component I get errors. See attached image. I did activate the MooTools Plugin.

PHP Version 5.3.8

Database Version 5.0.91

Thanks, Chuck
GreyHead 03 Apr, 2012
Hi Grizzled,

This looks like a JavaScript error. I suggest that you (a) clear your browser cache (or try a different browser) in case an old script file is still being used and, if that doesn't fix it (b) use your Browser Web developer tools to check which version of MooTools is actually being loaded on the page (sometimes the MooTools Upgrade plug-in gets over-ruled by some other setting).

Grizzled 03 Apr, 2012
Hi There,

I opened the website in Chrome and Safari and have the same results.

I am using Mootools 1.2.4.

Did upload the correct plugin?

Thanks, Chuck
GreyHead 05 Apr, 2012
Hi Chuck,

By all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 06 Apr, 2012
Hi Chuck,

Best to check with your webhost, many of the files on the admin page are showing 403 errors

403: Forbidden

This error message is generated when the web server is trying to access a file that does not exist or has been configured incorrectly

Troubleshooting suggestions:

Ensure that you have a valid home page defined in your website directory (example: /htdocs/index.html, /htdocs/index.php). On Unix, this is case sensitive and must be all lower case.

In your Account Manager, under Hosting Tools, click to .Reset File Permissions..

If you need help resetting file permissions, click here:

See the red files in the image below.

Grizzled 08 Apr, 2012
That did it! Thanks so much, have a great weekend:)
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