
Using plugin in article the span.cf_alert works not correct

shd 29 Mar, 2012
Hi Bob,

I just notice difference between using the plugin in an article or using the direct link.

When I used the plugin in an article with some text above it and tested it with a wrong captcha code, the html for the error message is different than the direct linked form.

The form with the direct linked gives the correct html code:

<span class="cf_alert">
   <li>Wrong code </li>

When I am using the plugin it gives this code:

  <span class="readonly plg-desc">
   <span class="cf_alert"></span>
  <li>Wrong code</li>

The span is not catching the list with the error message. And it puts a paragraph round the span. And it gives an extra span.readonly. And it put also the .readonly span around the text above the form which is added in the article.
🤨 🤣

So I get now a red line above the error message and not around the error message.
Where can I change this? Is it a bug?

Tnx Stephanie
shd 29 Mar, 2012
Sorry 😀 I have an extra question.
I notice that when I put a wrong captha code, the Joomla plugin for e-mail coding, put the javascript in the form e-mail field:
<script type='text/javascript'> <!-- var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy90491 = 'stephanie' + '@'; addy90491 = addy90491 + 'address' + '.' + 'com'; document.write('<a ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy90491 + '\'>'); document.write(addy90491); document.write('<\/a>'); //-->\n </script><script type='text/javascript'> <!-- document.write('<span style=\'display: none;\'>'); //--> </script>Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. <script type='text/javascript'> <!-- document.write('</'); document.write('span>'); //--> </script>

Is it possible to put it off in chronoforms? Because i don't want it put off in Joomla.To much spam

shd 29 Mar, 2012
You can see the red line (the wrong html code, the span which did not catch list with the error code) and de javascript which appears in the e-mail field :-)what is causing by the Joomla plugin.

GreyHead 05 Apr, 2012
Hi shd,

You have the Joomla! Email Cloaking Plug-in enabled and it is trying to cloak the sample e-mail in the ChronoForms validation message. Disable the plug-in temporarily to check this is the problem. If you need the plug-in change the plug-ins order so that Email Cloaking runs before ChronoForms.

NB These are Joomla! plug-ins that you manage from Site Admin | Extensions | Plug-in Manager

shd 05 Apr, 2012
Hi Bob,

If you need the plug-in change the plug-ins order so that Email Cloaking runs before ChronoForms.

I can't change this in the plugin, where can I change this? I want that it runs.

regards, Stephanie
GreyHead 05 Apr, 2012
Hi Stephanie,

Go to Site Admin | Extensions | Plug-in Manager and use the Select Type drop-down to display the Content plugins and then use the Ordering column.

shd 11 Apr, 2012
Okay, thxxx, learned something :-), didn't know that this was possible!! great tnx again!
shd 17 Apr, 2012
[quote]I just notice difference between using the content plugin in an article or using the direct link.

When I used the plugin in an article with some text above it and tested it with a wrong captcha code, the html for the error message is different than the direct linked form.

The form with the direct linked gives the correct html code:

    <span class="cf_alert">
       <li>Wrong code </li>

When I am using the plugin it gives this code:

<span class="readonly plg-desc">
<span class="cf_alert"></span>
<li>Wrong code</li>

The span is not catching the list with the error message. And it puts a paragraph round the span. And it gives an extra span.readonly. And it put also the .readonly span around the text above the form which is added in the article.[/quote]


    <span class="cf_alert">
       <li>Wrong code </li>

I found in chronocontact.html.php but there is no paragraph around it.

Can somebody tell me where I can found this code:

<span class="cf_alert"></span>
<li>allert text</li>

Because when I am using the content plugin it made a mess of the alert code :-).
I wwant to change it in the correct code:
<span class="cf_alert">
<li>Wrong code </li>
GreyHead 21 Apr, 2012
Hi shd,

I don't think that this part <span class="readonly plg-desc"> is being created by ChronoForms so you may not see it on your site.

casper99 05 Jan, 2013
The problem appears, when you are using the plugin.
Go to the page (article), where the plugin is being used and see the HTML-Code.
There shouldn't be any <p> Tags around it.
To make sure, that it works, surround your plugin-tags with <div> Tags, and it works.
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