Along the way, I collected a few items for a wish list:
1. Would be nice to have custom validation messages for each field as a property from the UI instead of doing a javascript hula-hoop ;-)
2. Mandatory fields could be indicated as such. Maybe a form option: asterisk, border-style, bg-color, or none.
3. The validation tooltip requires closing via "x". Maybe a form option: close on hover, on click, on "x", after 5 secs, on field focus. If multiple errors occur, it would be nice to see all issues at once.
4. If you have sliding panels, the validation message stays alive even when switching panels (it becomes orphaned)
5. Financial field types with commas and digits - these depend on locale
6. In the NORMAL layout the drop-down list has a smaller height than all other fields. In TIGHT layout the field looks good
7. It would be nice to have sections that can be formatted separately. I know you have panels in panes, however, these are either tabbed or sliding. It would be good to have more options, such as "static open", "pages", "horizontal tabs", "vertical tabs", "accordion" etc, and more importantly, the ability to style certain panel properties directly. I worked around, but I think it would add to the overall experience.
8. The field properties "Start a new row" and "Add to row" do not seem to work reliably. It works for the first row, but then it's hit or miss.
9. Database table updates after changing fields does not seem to work. You can create a new table, and it puts all the new fields, but when you save it, no changes are applied. You can create a new table with a new name, and re-associate the form with the new table and all is good. I guess that's acceptable, but a message could alert users that a new table should be created.
10. For the drag n drop form creation it would be neat to drop new fields anywhere not only at the end of the form. From where you have to grab and move upwards ;-)
Other than this little list, I think it's a wonderful product. I plan on subscribing and using it in my project.