
Customize form?

moleculezz 28 Mar, 2012

I did a search but couldn't find any info on how to customize the form template.

How exactly does one do this?
GreyHead 29 Mar, 2012
Hi moleculezz,

Sorry, I don't understand the question - what do you need to customise in your form?

moleculezz 29 Mar, 2012
Sorry for not being specific. I meant the style of the form. Is there some kind of theming system?
GreyHead 29 Mar, 2012
Hi moleculezz,

There is some basic form styling in the ChronoForms CSS files, that's adequate for a standard form. If you want something different then you can edit these files; or add your own CSS in a Load CSS action (or a Load CSS file action). There's quite a good tag, class and id structure that will let you apply styles.

Or, if you need to you can customise some or all of the HTML as a well.

So, there isn't a formal templating system but there is a good framework for you to work on.

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