params); ?> " /> " /> plugin_name; ?>" /> event; ?>" /> " /> bind( $post )) { JError::raiseWarning(100, $row->getError()); $mainframe->redirect( "index2.php?option=$option" ); } $params = JRequest::getVar( 'params', '', 'post', 'array' ); if (is_array( $params )) { $txt = array(); foreach ( $params as $k=>$v) { $txt[] = "$k=$v"; } $row->params = implode( "\n", $txt ); } if (!$row->store()) { JError::raiseWarning(100, $row->getError()); $mainframe->redirect( "index2.php?option=$option" ); } $mainframe->redirect( "index2.php?option=".$option, "Config Saved" ); } /** * The function that will be executed when the form is submitted * */ function onsubmit( $option, $params, $row ) { global $mainframe; $MyForm =& CFChronoForm::getInstance(); $MyForm->formrow->redirecturl = ''; }}?>File name is: cf_Verkkomaksut_Rest.phpand in the form this plugin is activated (green)but i am not redirected after pressing the send button.So could somebody help me understanding this ??Greetings Tobi"> problems Creating a new Plugin - Forums


problems Creating a new Plugin

F. 23 Mar, 2012
Howdie Everybody,

I want to create a new Plugin for Chronoforms,
I started with taking a look at the exisitng extension for Paypal and i changed the show_conf function part and the names and description etc.
afterwards i was pretty happy when i saw my new extension. and i could also configure and save it for a form.
So far so good but now for testing i want to redirect after pressing the send butten of that form so i did following testing code:
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
global $mainframe;

require_once( $mainframe->getPath( 'class', 'com_chronocontact' ) );

// the class name must be the same as the file name without the .php at the end
class cf_Verkkomaksut_Rest
    //the next 3 fields must be defined for every plugin
    var $result_TITLE = "cf_Verkkomaksut_Rest";
    var $result_TOOLTIP = "";
    var $plugin_name = "cf_Verkkomaksut_Rest"; // must be the same as the class name
    var $event = "ONSUBMIT"; // must be defined and in Uppercase, should be ONSUBMIT or ONLOAD

    // the next function must exist and will have the backend config code

    function show_conf($row, $id, $form_id, $option){
		global $mainframe;
	$pane   =& JPane::getInstance('tabs');
	$paramsvalues = new JParameter($row->params);
		<form action="index2.php" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm" class="adminForm">
		<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>" />
		<input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="<?php echo $form_id; ?>" />
		<input type="hidden" name="name" value="<?php echo $this->plugin_name; ?>" />
		<input type="hidden" name="event" value="<?php echo $this->event; ?>" />
		<input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?>" />
		<input type="hidden" name="task" value="save_conf" />

    // this function must exist and may not be changed unless you need to customize something
    function save_conf( $option ) {
		global $mainframe;
		$database =& JFactory::getDBO();		
		$post = JRequest::get( 'post' , JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW );
		$row =& JTable::getInstance('chronocontactplugins', 'Table'); 
		if (!$row->bind( $post )) {
			JError::raiseWarning(100, $row->getError());
			$mainframe->redirect( "index2.php?option=$option" );
		$params 	= JRequest::getVar( 'params', '', 'post', 'array' );
		if (is_array( $params )) {
			$txt = array();
			foreach ( $params as $k=>$v) {
				$txt[] = "$k=$v";
			$row->params = implode( "\n", $txt );
		if (!$row->store()) {
			JError::raiseWarning(100, $row->getError());
			$mainframe->redirect( "index2.php?option=$option" );
		$mainframe->redirect( "index2.php?option=".$option, "Config Saved" );

     * The function that will be executed when the form is submitted
    function onsubmit( $option, $params, $row )
        global $mainframe;
        $MyForm =& CFChronoForm::getInstance();
        $MyForm->formrow->redirecturl = '';


File name is: cf_Verkkomaksut_Rest.php
and in the form this plugin is activated (green)
but i am not redirected after pressing the send button.

So could somebody help me understanding this ??
GreyHead 24 Mar, 2012
Hi Tobi,

It's a couple of years since I wrote one of these . . . I searched all of the standard plug-ins and none of them sets the redirect URL like this though the code is used elsewhere. If you want to redirect at that point why not use the $mainframe->redirect() code that is used a few lines earlier. You'd need to add global $mainframe; to make sure that is avaiable.

F. 26 Mar, 2012
Hey Bob thank you for your help,

I don't know why but it works now with:
$MyForm =& CFChronoForm::getInstance();
        $MyForm->formrow->redirecturl = $result->getUrl();

is it better to use the mainframe->redirect method ?
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