
Is posible to generate unique number in subject of sent mail

foggykt 17 Mar, 2012

Im new to Chronoforms. I've been using them to build a custom form which i need for some bookstore. Main purpose of the form is to fill all required fields for publishing a book. So i've made form which includes all of that.

What is bothering me now is:
Everything that is filled comes to my Email, all the info. Is is posible somehow to include a unique number for every order that is submited, so i can easily keep an eye on orders?

Or maybe it is posible to make a form so that user can only fill the form is he is registered. And how would that go then? Im talking about basic joomla registration.

One other thing...Is it posible to make multipage forms?
GreyHead 18 Mar, 2012
Hi foggykt,

Is is posible somehow to include a unique number for every order that is submited, so i can easily keep an eye on orders?
Yes, you should save these orders in a database table for security, just in case an email gets lost. You can also add a short unique identifier easily with my Unique ID [GH] action.

Or maybe it is posible to make a form so that user can only fill the form is he is registered. And how would that go then? Im talking about basic joomla registration.
Yes, the code for this is in the forums here many times. It depends on your business whether this is worth doing or not. If most customers ae one-off then you may lose clients if you ask them to register. If they come back or need to check their order status then basic registration will make it easier for you both.

One other thing...Is it posible to make multipage forms?


foggykt 18 Mar, 2012
Thank you for response🙂

1.Is there some example of making multipage forms?

2.Hmmm, i have Virtumart also on my joomla 2.5 page. Would that be too much if i make another registration for this extension? Better to keep things simple and include every necessary fields in created form.

3.Is there some add on as this suggested one for making a bill ( invoice ) for every submited form?
GreyHead 19 Mar, 2012
Hi foggykt,

1.Is there some example of making multipage forms?

There are a few in the forums here

2.Hmmm, i have Virtumart also on my joomla 2.5 page. Would that be too much if i make another registration for this extension? Better to keep things simple and include every necessary fields in created form.

Sorry, I don't understand the question.

3.Is there some add on as this suggested one for making a bill ( invoice ) for every submited form?

No add on, it's possible to output to an HTML page, or a Word document and, with some work, to a PDF document.

foggykt 19 Mar, 2012
ok, forget number 1 and 2 for now...

That third i will try.

I have this situation now...When imputing data into form ( user side ), i have 4 fields : number of pages ( for the book ), type of print for the book, colour and number of copies.
Now, what i wannt and need to do...I need to add together all this 4 fields, each field needs to have its price. The result should come to email of user. How should i do that?
GreyHead 21 Mar, 2012
Hi foggykt,

Add a Custom Code action in the ON Submit event and add the PHP to do the calculation there and save the result back into the $form->data array:
$form->data['total'] = ($form->data['number_of_pages'] * $form->data['type_of_print'] + $form->data['colour']) * $form->data['number_of_copies']; 
Obviously your calculation will be more complicated thatn this one.

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