
Multiselect won't save to database

timblack1 15 Mar, 2012
In Chronoforms 4.0 RC3.2 on Joomla 2.5.2, I created a form that contains a multiselect form element named input_select_3[]. When editing that form element in the advanced wizard, if I check the General - Multiple checkbox, with or without the square brackets on the end of its name, that form element's data does NOT save to the database. If I uncheck the General - Multiple checkbox, without the square brackets on the end of its name, that form element's data DOES save to the database. How can I save the data from the multiselect?
GreyHead 15 Mar, 2012
Hi timblack1,

Two things here. The square brackets [] are needed to make sure that an array of results are sent back, without them you will just get the last selection of a multiple set.

And you need to convert the array into a string so that it can be saved in the edatabase. Please drag a Handle Arrays action into the OnSubmit event and move it up before the Email action.

timblack1 15 Mar, 2012
Thank you! That solved my problem.
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