Forums won't install

paul.diben 14 Mar, 2012
I just downloaded ChronoForms from your website, and tried to install to my Joomla installation v2.5.2. I received the following messages:

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/dpmteam/public_html/wjsajoomla/tmp/install_4f610e0c4de06
JFolder: :folder: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/dpmteam/public_html/wjsajoomla/tmp/install_4f610e0c4de06
JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/dpmteam/public_html/wjsajoomla/tmp/install_4f610e0c4de06
JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file

Any ideas?
GreyHead 15 Mar, 2012
Hi paul.diben,

We have occasionally seen errors like this when FTP is enabled in the site configuration but the FTP user doesn't have the necessary permissions to create folders or to write files to them. If you have FTP enaled please try disabling it then re-sinstalling ChronoForms.

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