
Full à Chronoform Form with data from database

gwadawone 14 Mar, 2012
Hi, i look through the web to try to full a chronoform Form, the one that i have used to create a database. I want to create a transaction for udpdate a record at the front end, with the chronoform Form and set the informations previously recorded through the form. How to do that if i want to use chronoform or maybe chronoconnectivity? I didnt get information about it and i dont know if it is possible.

Bests regards
Max_admin 14 Mar, 2012

Please check the "DB Record Loader" tutorial under the "Tutorials" page, V4 section.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
gwadawone 14 Mar, 2012
Thank you very much for this nice documentation and your quick answer.
I have done some tests wich work very well.

I have a form used for creating a table.

I want touse this form to update the data in the table. The table is a joomla table.
id_personne is the Primary key

When i use the url desesperatly no data are loaded.

Everything seems OK in the parameters of the form (DATAVIEW ok with the table , Method Post etc. id_personne for db-field ans request param, personne for table, yes ans yes )

Tests successull with some case and Here fail.

Do you have any suggestions about some parametrer to check?

I have Joomla 2.5, PHP 5.3.9 Mysql 5.5.2

Thanks for your help.
GreyHead 14 Mar, 2012
Hi gwadawone,

Please try using the full URL for the form including the chronoform=xxx part instead of the menu link and see if that mkes a difference.

gwadawone 14 Mar, 2012
Hi Tête Grise,

Please where i can get this xxx and the expression for the URL?

Thank you GreyHead.
GreyHead 14 Mar, 2012
Hi gwadawone ,

The simplest way is to copy it from the Frontenf view link in the Forms Manager; the xxx part is just the form name.

gwadawone 14 Mar, 2012

I have tried
Idem. Dont work, because ProchesMAJ is a copy of Proches i intend to use for update.

I have made many tests and my conclusions are below.

I dont succeed to use a different form that the one which serve to create the table. (even a copy)
It is possible to write the table through a custom code. The form is able to preload datas from the table in the database.

I'll consider this constraints.

It remains a problem, a Text area is not saved in the table, dont appear when a do a creat TABLE in th Form manager. Is this known?

Thanks for your Help

gwadawone 14 Mar, 2012
Hi Tête Grise,

I see that when i use a WYSIWYG Editor, i dont have the coresponding field stored in the table for the form.

I'll have to consider this constraint.

Bests regard Grayhead
Thanks Admin
GreyHead 14 Mar, 2012
Hi gwadawone,

From your post it looks as though the input you are using with the WYSYWIG editor does not have a name and so the value is not being submitted with the other form values.

gwadawone 15 Mar, 2012
Hello, it has a name Dear Greyhead in the field name in the control panel- Editor for the text area field.

When i enable WYSIWIG Editor in the panel control of the field, create table the field does not appear in the list.
When i disable WYSIWIG Editor in the panel control of the field, create table the field appear in the list.

if nobody have an idea il should sound like a dysfonction, isn't it?

GreyHead 15 Mar, 2012
Hi gwadawone ,

I just checked and both the Create Table and the form data submission work OK for me.

Do you have a Name set for the Textarea element?

Max_admin 15 Mar, 2012
Hi gwadawone,

Please disable the editor, create the table with all fields, enable it again.


Keep the editor enabled, check the fields in the "Create table" page, if the field is not there then add it to the list manually, then save the table.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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