
results e-mail gibt keine daten aus

hchc 13 Mar, 2012
Chronoforms V4
habe ein zweiseitiges formular gebaut
benutze das auto-template für die results e-mail

Code des Formulars:
<input maxlength="150" size="30" class=" validate['required','alpha']" title="" type="text" value="" name="input_text_2" />

Code der results e-mail

wert wird aber nicht ausgegeben - es wird {input_text_2} als string ausgegeben

wer kann mir einen tipp geben
GreyHead 13 Mar, 2012
Hi hchc,

That looks OK to me. Do you have a second input with the same name?

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

t_grandegger 14 Mar, 2012
Hello there, I am having a similar topic with a chronoform - I get irritating emails that look like this:

Sportwoche {input_select_0}
Name: {input_text_1}
Adresse: {input_text_2}
PLZ: {input_text_3}
Ort: {input_text_4}
Telefon - Teilnehmer: {input_text_5}
Email - Teilnehmer: {input_text_6}
Telefon - Eltern {input_text_16}
Email - Eltern: {input_text_17}
Geburtsdatum (TT.MM.JJJJ) {input_text_18}

... the clue is: some Emails work correct and some come in the above form - that's why I am not sure, if all the filled-in chronoforms are sent to me in the correct form... could it be some kind of html-robot, going over my form?

Thanks for your help!
GreyHead 14 Mar, 2012
Hi Thomas,

could it be some kind of html-robot, going over my form?

That's the most likely answer.

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