get('sef_advanced_link', 0);2829 if (empty($query['Itemid']))....Thanks in advance. Oh, I'm on Joomla 1.6"> Fatal Error /components/com_content/router.php on line 28 - Forums


Fatal Error /components/com_content/router.php on line 28

alek 10 Mar, 2012
Hi everyone, I have the chronoforms installed and it looks like running but...
I have more than 60 different contact forms in my web, but only the first one works, there is some problem with the rest, because when triyng to submit the form, it keeps loading the same page and does not send the form. Whe I go to the component manager and try the "Frontend View" the first one looks fine, but on reviewing the rest it shows me this message:
Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /homepages/1/d392715410/htdocs/components/com_content/router.php on line 28

Anyone knows what is all about? I've checked the line 28 in the .php file but I have it empty, what should go there??? It's as follows
27 $advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 0);
29 if (empty($query['Itemid']))
Thanks in advance. Oh, I'm on Joomla 1.6
GreyHead 11 Mar, 2012
Hi alek,

Looks like a problem with SEF URls going into a loop :-(

Please try setting User Relative URL to No on the form General tab (click the Form Name link in the forms manager to acccess it).

alek 12 Mar, 2012
Thanks a lot, It looks like it's working for now. Thank you.
alek 23 Mar, 2012
Hi again.
I've got the same message aggain but with another component.
Error in router.php on line 28.
It looks like there is some problem with the cache of the web. I disabled it and it's working fine now.
If it's usefull.
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