
Form name cannot be empty

rjasper 10 Mar, 2012
I am completely new to Chronoforms, but ran into something that may or may not be useful to others.
I was getting a "form name cannot be empty" when trying to view my first form from the "front end view" option from within the forms manager. After a lot of trying different things (like pounding my head against my desk repeatedly🙂 I realized I had the module which allows you to have chronoforms placed in any module position activated. It defaults to all menus and in the top position of my template when it's initially activated. There was, of course, no form name. This might help others, if anyone else should install and activate the module option without editing the settings. Never know, there may be others needing guidance (and pity).
Max_admin 11 Mar, 2012
Thanks for posting!! yes, a form name is a must!🙂

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
venusbluewings 06 Jul, 2012
I have the same error messages and I've checked that I input exact form name to menu item and under Events form tab I've dragged in Show html to On Load but it still shows an errors even though I changed permission chmod 777 to folder com_chronoforms, subfolders and files. Here's an error messages. Please anyone can help me? I have no idea what was wrong with my form.

After click frontend view
Message ::
Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving http://xxxxx/xxx/index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=myform. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Link :: http://xxxxx/xxx/index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=myform

After click menu item
Message :: Form name can NOT be empty!
Link :: http://xxxxx/xxx/index.php?option=com_chronoforms&view=form&Itemid=141

Thank you for your help!
GreyHead 06 Jul, 2012
Hi venusbluewings,

Sorry but there isn't enough information here to say anything very useful.

My best guess is that the form isn't published.

What do you see if you click the FrontEnd View link in the Forms Manager?

Holley 08 Jul, 2012
I have got the same problem using Joomla 2.5 and the chronoforms component.
I entered the correct form name "bestellung" in the form name setting field in the menu item.
But the link performed by Joomla - and can not be changed manually - is this:
w w

Instead when looking to the preview by the form preview itself this link is built and the form is perfectly shown.
w w

I tried another component - dfcontact - the built link was this:

Maybe the joomla link is not perfectly served by the component?

GreyHead 08 Jul, 2012
Hi Holley,

A link from a Joomla! menu usually include an Itemid parameter that links to the form name e.g.
if that is missing then you will correctly get the Form Not Found error.

Holley 08 Jul, 2012
Hej Bob,
yes, I know, and now I got the problem and the solution. The link built by Joomla does no work as long as the menu item is not published, what is unusual. As mentioned I tried different components and the form had be shown very well by adding the built link to the url even in case menu item was unpublished.
But finally it works as son as the menu item is published.🙂

Wish you a nice sunday!

GreyHead 09 Jul, 2012
Hi Holley,

Well yes, menu links don't work if they aren't published.

But you can add them to a hidden menu if you don't want to display them.

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