
More than one value in subject

picht 09 Mar, 2012

I just started using ChronoForms and i hav a question
I want a dynamic subject on the email i get from the form, but i want it to be more than one field.
Tried to type in the two fields i want, but then a default subject arrives in the email.
How do I get it to work ?

I'm using version 4.0 RC3.2 of Chronoforms on Joomla 2.5.2
The form is created with the "Easy Form Wizard"

picht 09 Mar, 2012

Hi picht,

Please see this post.


I have looked at the post, but i have no idea where to put any code...
I was hoping there is a solution without having to code anything, but if there isn't, where should i put the code if i am using the "Easy Form Wizard" ?

GreyHead 09 Mar, 2012
Hi picht,

In the Code | Custom Code - Before Email(s) box

picht 09 Mar, 2012
Great. It's working like a charm !! 😀 Thanks
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