
ChronoConnectivity V4 RC1back-end blank page

bighen 06 Mar, 2012

It looks the same as the Chronoforms bug:

Fatal error: Class 'ChronoConnectivityAdmin' not found in /administrator/components/com_chronoconnectivity/admin.chronoconnectivity.php on line 24

I could give the admin access to the affected site on pvt email if you want.

GreyHead 07 Mar, 2012
Hi bighen,

Thanks for the report. Just a quick thought - which version of PHP are you running on your site. See Site Admin | Site | System Information. I'm wondering if this is a PHP 5.2/5.3 problem.

bighen 07 Mar, 2012
Yes, it is PHP 5.2.17
GreyHead 07 Mar, 2012
Hi bighen,

Please let Max now through the Contact Us link above. I have heard that he has a fixed version of the installer for ChronoForms and can probably create one for you for CC.

emmexx 15 Mar, 2012
I had the same problem after installing.

I edited the file admin/admin.chronoconnectivity.php and moved the class definition to the top of the file, just after:


class ChronoConnectivityAdmin extends JObject{

Hope this helps.

GreyHead 15 Mar, 2012
Hi maxx,

Thanks for that - it makes sense. I've had problems before where functions have to be loaded before thaey are called.

emmexx 15 Mar, 2012
Anyway I found out a similar problem with another page. I created a connection but trying a preview I got a class error on a different file. I don't have time to check the file now, I'll report on that later.

Chronoforms and Chronoconnectivity are fantastic! 😀

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