
Radio button fields work, appears in email but NULL in DB

designsedge 06 Mar, 2012
I have installed the latest chronoforms to my site and love it!

The problem that I am having is that the form emails correctly, and writes some of the data to the DB correctly, but not the radio button output.

This is the primary function of the form and I need this functionality.

Based on my forum research: I have disabled and re-enabled database connection, confirmed that there is a "handle-arrays" function prior to DB save. So at this point, I am lost.
GreyHead 06 Mar, 2012
Hi designsedge,

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here. Note: if you are using the Easy Wizard you may need to switch to the Advanced Wizard to do this; if you want to continue to use the Easy Wizard please make a copy of your form first and add the Debugger action to the copy.

designsedge 06 Mar, 2012
Warning: preg_replace(): Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in /var/www/sites/xxxxxx/components/com_chronoforms/libraries/includes/data_republish.php on line 124

I had backslashes in the entry descriptions early on - could they still be causing the issue?

BTW - debugger is an amazing idea (will help a lot in the future)
designsedge 06 Mar, 2012
Solved - Replaced the radio button field taking extra care not to use control characters :wink:
GreyHead 06 Mar, 2012
Hi designsdege,

I think there's a little bug in the way the re-publisher works. I posted a bug report and a fixed file here a day or so ago.

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