
Upload file not attaching to email

oculusmm 06 Mar, 2012

I have set up a form with a file upload but nothing seems to be getting attached to the email being sent. Below is the debug info if anyone can shed any light.


Data Array:

    [name] => Richard Warner
    [email] =>
    [tel] => 00000
    [company] => Aurora Consulting
    [position] => IT Manager
    [enquiry] => Form Upload Test
    [recaptcha_challenge_field] => 03AHJ_VuuITcThLlib_LMj90-aFgE1BF_JZuYJL1XjxN-3SpcYNuOecOzN8osNc9Ck7JbAzYDBhTdMorgTs1fATi8x8tfF4PZtHqZCpE9xvBjrGIGMzjy96rTWRV48SZCwr_ONAYwHX2cAs-NiwS_q5pDIo3YbLS0vdA
    [recaptcha_response_field] => sought chnirde
    [95c00caf64337d1d34c66a8b5560ecdb] => 1
    [language] => en-GB
    [view] => article
    [option] => com_content
    [chronoform] => ecrmformjob
    [event] => submit
    [Itemid] => 237
    [lang] => en
    [id] => 67
    [uploadcv] => 20120306103646_Google-Plus-Accounts.docx
    [_PLUGINS_] => Array
            [upload_files] => Array
                    [uploadcv] => Array
                            [name] => 20120306103646_Google-Plus-Accounts.docx
                            [path] => /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/
                            [size] => 99084
                            [link] => http://localhost:8888/




Debug Data

    Upload routine started for file upload by : uploadcv
    /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ has been uploaded OK.
        An email has been SENT successfully from (eCRM Euro Candidate Registration Form) to
        Email template:

        eCRM Euro Recruitment on Demand
        eCRM Euro General Website Enquiry
        Candidate Registration Form
        You have a general website enquiry from the eCRM EURO Website. The details of the enquiry are detailed below.
        Name: 	Richard Warner
        Contact Number: 	07590621829
        Company: 	Aurora Consulting
        Position: 	IT Manager
        Deatails of the Enquiry:
        Form Upload Test
        This Message has been generated automatically. Responses sent using your e-mail program's "Reply" function will not be processed. The contents of this email are commercial in confidence for the staff of eCRM EURO only. If you receive this email in error please delete immediately.

        Submitted by ::1
        array ( )
        Redirect URL (click to continue):
GreyHead 06 Mar, 2012
Hi oculusmm,

It looks as though you may need to add uploadcv to the Email action Attachments box.

oculusmm 06 Mar, 2012

On the form I have the following

<input id="uploadcv" class="input-field" title="uploadcv" type="file" name="uploadcv" /><br />

and on the Upload Action


Has me stumped this one. I have also tried setting the action to file from post...
GreyHead 06 Mar, 2012
Hi oculusmm,

Please check my last post.

oculusmm 06 Mar, 2012
Ahh got you. Will give that a try now was not added there.

Many Thanks
wahoshi 13 Jun, 2013
I followed this post and added my field name to the attachements space as indicated here:

Hi oculusmm,

It looks as though you may need to add uploadcv to the Email action Attachments box.


Before I did that, the email would send and the file would go to the file folder. I added the field name (file_upload) to the email actions and the form quit sending the email all together. I removed the field name from the atttachments box and the email would send again..but without the file, as before.

Once more, I turn to Bob for help
GreyHead 13 Jun, 2013
Hi wahoshi,

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

Note: if you are using the Easy Wizard you can turn on Debug on the Others tab.

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