Hey to all,
I'm creating a form for register user to my Joomla 2.5 site with ChronoForms 4.
I am using cURL action [GH] to automatically subscribe a user to multiple newsletter's lists.
This is the code in Params/Map:
The user is successfully created and automatically inserted in the lists 21 and 22 but not in the {fieldx} that is a number (1 to 20) that depends on the select of the region.
The value of fieldx appears correctly in the debug, but not in curl.
It's possible that in hiddenlist I can not insert the value of a field?
How I can do to submit a newsletter based on that field?
This is the cURL debug:
cURL OK : the cURL function was found on this server.
cURL Target URL: http://www.mysite.com/index.php
cURL Values: option=com_acymailing&ctrl=sub&task=optin&hiddenlists=%7Bfieldx%7D%2C21%2C22&user[email]=myemail%40hosting.it
I'm creating a form for register user to my Joomla 2.5 site with ChronoForms 4.
I am using cURL action [GH] to automatically subscribe a user to multiple newsletter's lists.
This is the code in Params/Map:
The user is successfully created and automatically inserted in the lists 21 and 22 but not in the {fieldx} that is a number (1 to 20) that depends on the select of the region.
The value of fieldx appears correctly in the debug, but not in curl.
It's possible that in hiddenlist I can not insert the value of a field?
How I can do to submit a newsletter based on that field?
This is the cURL debug:
cURL OK : the cURL function was found on this server.
cURL Target URL: http://www.mysite.com/index.php
cURL Values: option=com_acymailing&ctrl=sub&task=optin&hiddenlists=%7Bfieldx%7D%2C21%2C22&user[email]=myemail%40hosting.it