
Which should I download?

libdesign 29 Feb, 2012
I currently have version 3.0 on a J1.5 site. I want to upgrade with a stable version, I'm thinking the V3.2.0 component since the other (V4_RC3.2) is a release candidate. What Plugin-Mambot should I download? J1.5_V4_RC3.0 or V3.1_RC5.2? Which Module should I download? J1.5_V4_RC3.0 or V3.1_RC5.2? I'm guessing the V3.1_RC5.2 for each, but I'm unsure. Could use expert direction.

GreyHead 29 Feb, 2012
Hi Adriana,

You will want ChronoForms v3.2 (unless you are planning to enable the MooTools Upgrade plug-in on your site). And yes you want the V3.1_RC5.2 plugin and module to match.

Note that there isn't an automatic upgrade from v3.0 you will need to uninstall and reinstall.

libdesign 29 Feb, 2012
Thanks for the direction and confirmation. I'm looking forward to making the upgrade. Love Chronoforms by the way🙂.

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