
Redirect after saving the data in tables

elvinjoe 27 Feb, 2012

Can you please help me how to redirect after saving the data in tables,lets suppose I have form
"test"( after submitting the form I want to save form data in "test" tables,after that I want redirect the page to "".

Please help me on this.

GreyHead 27 Feb, 2012
Hi elvinjoe,

Is this ChronoForm v4? Then use the ReDirect User action.

elvinjoe 27 Feb, 2012
yes I am using ChronoformV4.

One more problem I am facing is lets suppose i have filled the form having firstname and last name after submitting the form I am in "Thank you page" again If I reload the thank you page it is sending email again,Whenever I load the "Thank you page" it is sending email and saved the data in tables,Please help me on this.

GreyHead 27 Feb, 2012
Hi elvinjoe ,

If you have redirected the user to another page I don't see how reloading it woudlk re-submit the form?

If users re-load the page then they can re-submit the data; that's true of most forms. You can use my Anti Flood [GH] action if this is a problem.

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