
How do I get it working?

LAMF 25 Feb, 2012
I am almost a total newbie to Chronoforms.
I bought a 5 domain licence pack but so far I am just working on a demo site and therefore not using the validated form.
However I don't get it to work. First of all I get the form up and display but aftter filling it and submitting I get this error message:

JFolder::create: Sökvägen finns inte i open_basedir sökvägar
Couldn't create upload directroy 1

And the layout is not as I want it, I want a 3 column design but when I fiddle with the layout code the sites layout get corrupted. I don't quite understand this custom form code thing either.

Would certainly appreciate a Chronoforms v 4.x for dummies....

The url to the demo site I'm working at is:

Would apreciate some leading hand here..😀

GreyHead 25 Feb, 2012

My Swedish is a bit dusty but I think that message is "Path not in open_basedir paths"

open_basedir is a security module on your server and this says that it's blocking the creation of your upload folder. Please check your web hosts help docs to find out how to resolve this.

To use custom form code create the layout you want, copy the HTML between but not including the <form> and </form> tags' create a new form with the New icon on the toolbar and paste it into the Form HTML box. Give your form a name then Save and close it. Click the Wizard Edit link, then the Events tab and drag a Show HTML action into the On Load event. Save and Close again then click the Frontend view link to view the form.

There are a series of videos here that will help you get started with CFv4.

LAMF 25 Feb, 2012
Thanks Bob!

The open base error message was because I hadn't specified the upload file directory correct.
However I still dn't get any files when submitting the form after adding a file in the upload dialog.

Also is it possible to define a dynamic to email address? I have solved it by define the recipient email in the static tab and guess that's all there is to it (I'm of course wrong but with lack of skills I find that the easiest way).

I will check out thwe videos and thanks for a great component and support!

GreyHead 26 Feb, 2012
Hi Micke,

I still don't get any files when submitting the form after adding a file in the upload dialog.

What do you mean here? The files aren't in the uplaod folder - or they aren't attaching tyou your emails?

Please drag a Debugger action itno the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

Also is it possible to define a dynamic to email address?

Yes, you'll see that in the video Email 2 I think.

LAMF 26 Feb, 2012
Hi Bob,

What do you mean here? The files aren't in the uplaod folder - or they aren't attaching tyou your emails?

I mean that the files are nor in the uploads folder nor attached to the email.

Please drag a Debugger action itno the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

How can I drag a debugger action when I use the Easy Form Wizard? Can I shift to the Advanced Mode without loosing the form?

LAMF 26 Feb, 2012
Hi again Bob,

I succeeded to add the debugger and the form remains!

Regarding the attachments it wont be attached and the debugger message is the following:

Submitted by
array ( )

closer and closer to succeed... I hope.

LAMF 26 Feb, 2012
Here's the complete debugger message after submitting the form:

Felanmälan - RMA

Data Array:
[foretagsnamn] => DuoSmart Grafisk Design
[kundnummer] => 6696
[datum] => 26 Feb 2012
[adress] => Björbovägen 108
[postadr] => 785 45 Björbo
[tel] => 0241-23025
[Kontakt] => Skalman Bergman
[email] => [email][/email]
[Fax] =>
[mobil] => 46705410335
[Produkt] => Gnuf
[artnr] => 56806980
[snr] => 9+8097656
[snraggregat] =>
[feltyp] => Hårdvara
[beskr] => Krille har du sett en naken missemiss?

Rutger har gömt sig...

Konstigt eller?

[bilaga] =>
[chrono_verification] => fYcqu
[send] => Skicka
[a1e5c1d61d5b1ed42fd64ac4934129cb] => 1
[api_key] =>
[bing_api_key] =>
[cache_time] => 365
[ssl_verify_peer] => 1
[auto_detect] => 1
[auto_detect_user] => 1
[main_lang] => sv
[debug_mode] => 0
[chronoform] => Felanmalan
[event] => submit
[Itemid] => 179
[option] => com_chronoforms
[view] => form
[_PLUGINS_] =>
Tack för din anmälan Skalman Bergman!
Vi svarar så snart vi tagit emot och behandlat din anmälan.

NoWire Nordic AB

Klicka här för att återvända till startsidan eller navigera med hjälp av menyerna.

Debug Data
Core Captcha
Passed the core captcha check!
An email has been SENT successfully from (Skalman Bergman) to [email][/email]
Email template:

Företagsnamn: DuoSmart Grafisk Design
Kundnummer: 6696
Datum: 26 Feb 2012
Adress: Björbovägen 108
Postadress: 785 45 Björbo
Telefon: 0241-23025
Kontaktperson: Skalman Bergman
Email, för svar via epost: [email][/email]
Mobiltelefon: 46705410335
Produkt: Gnuf
Artikelnummer: 56806980
Serienummer: 9+8097656
Om nätaggregat, serienr på AP *:
Feltyp (Mjukvara/ Hårdvara): Hårdvara

Felbeskrivning: Hejsan,


Submitted by
array ( )
An email has been SENT successfully from (NoWire Nordic AB) to [email][/email]
Email template:

Tack för din felanmälan Skalman Bergman!
Detta är en bekräftelse på att vi fått din felanmälan, vi återkommer med svar så snart vi behandlat ditt ärende.

Med vänlig hälsning
NoWire Nordic AB

Submitted by
array ( )

LAMF 26 Feb, 2012
Hi again Bob,
I finally got it working.
I watch the tut on the movies and finally the coin went all the way 🙂
I had to type in the correct file code in the file upload field like "attach:jpg-gif-png-doc"
sp now it uploads the image to the pre-defined path but the file is not attached to the email.
Is this how it's supposed to be?
In the mail this row tells that an attachement is uploaded to the server directory:

"Bifoga fil: 20120227000420_Aerohive_Logo.jpg"

"Bifoga fil" is "Attach file" in english.

I would have liked the file to be attached as well.... but I supose you just can't have it all or....
Thanks for any helping advice.
GreyHead 27 Feb, 2012

You may need to add the file upload input name attach to the Attachments box in the Email action.

LAMF 27 Feb, 2012
Thanks for all your assistance Bob, now i know the drill with the Chronoforms!
A indeed brilliant component!

A wee question:
I sit possible to use one of my purchased kees on the temporary domain and then have it changed to the real domain when I don't need it anymore?
Why I want this is because the customer has the old site up and running on the sharp domain and I want to be able to demo the production site meanwhile and it would be kind of neat to have it without the links etc....

Otherwise, once again thanks for a great extension!

GreyHead 27 Feb, 2012
Hi Micke,

I think so; but for any question about subscriptions or validation of any of the ChronoEngine products please contact Max directly by using the Contact Us form from the link above. I don't know how Max has the product validation set up.

LAMF 27 Feb, 2012
Hi again,

Ok I'll handle that with Max.

I tried to add another upload field but with no great success.
The second field don't attach the fiel to the email.
Do I have to add another Upload Files action to activate that field?
I didn't do that because it say in that action that you can add more field in the Files field by adding it in the config string, i.e.:

or what can be wrong.
I added another form but the upload action didn't work there either so I jjust cloned the working form and modified and added fields. But I didn't get the extra Upload file field to work...
Something is wrong with my method when adding an Upload file field but I don't seem to get it...
GreyHead 27 Feb, 2012
Hi micke,

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here. Note: if you are using the Easy Wizard you may need to switch to the Advanced Wizard to do this; if you want to continue to use the Easy Wizard please make a copy of your form first and add the Debugger action to the copy.


PS I don't think 'excel' is a common file extension.
LAMF 27 Feb, 2012
Hi Bob,
Debug message:

Data Array: 
    [foretagsnamn] => Rock AB
    [kundnummer] => 79879
    [datum] => 2012-02-27
    [adress] => Bjuggvie 34
    [postadr] => 415 26 Göteborg
    [tel] => 0241-232025
    [Kontakt] => Mickey Mouse
    [email] =>
    [Fax] => 
    [mobil] => 070459887458
    [Produkt] => AP-700
    [artnr] => 879-EU
    [snr] => 11UT8685199
    [snraggregat] => 
    [feltyp] => Mjukvara
    [beskr] => Test, har problem.

    [bilaga] => 20120227155055_ekahau.png
    [bilaga2] => 20120227155055_nomadix.png
    [chrono_verification] => keZ79
    [send] => Skicka
    [69d37470f5ccea4038d4b6291a3d8dfb] => 1
    [api_key] => 
    [bing_api_key] => 
    [cache_time] => 365
    [ssl_verify_peer] => 1
    [auto_detect] => 1
    [auto_detect_user] => 1
    [main_lang] => sv
    [debug_mode] => 0
    [chronoform] => Felanmalan
    [event] => submit
    [Itemid] => 179
    [option] => com_chronoforms
    [view] => form
    [_PLUGINS_] => 20120227155055_ekahau.png,images/uploads/rma/20120227155055_ekahau.png,1837,,20120227155055_nomadix.png,images/uploads/rma/20120227155055_nomadix.png,1684,
Tack för din anmälan Mickey Mouse!
Vi svarar så snart vi tagit emot och behandlat din anmälan.

NoWire Nordic AB


Klicka här för att återvända till startsidan eller navigera med hjälp av menyerna.

Debug Data
Upload routine started for file upload by : bilaga
images/uploads/rma/20120227155055_ekahau.png has been uploaded OK.
Upload routine started for file upload by : bilaga2
images/uploads/rma/20120227155055_nomadix.png has been uploaded OK.
Core Captcha
Passed the core captcha check!
An email has been SENT successfully from (Mickey Mouse) to
Email template:

Företagsnamn:	 Rock AB
Kundnummer:	 79879
Datum:	 2012-02-27
Adress:	 Bjuggvie 34
Postadress:	 415 26 Göteborg
Telefon:	 0241-232025
Kontaktperson:	 Mickey Mouse
Email, för svar via epost:
Mobiltelefon:	 070459887458
Produkt:	 AP-700
Artikelnummer:	 879-EU
Serienummer:	 11UT8685199
Om nätaggregat, serienr på AP *:	
Feltyp (Mjukvara/ Hårdvara):	 Mjukvara
Felbeskrivning:	 Test, har problem. 


Submitted by 
array ( 0 => 'images/uploads/rma/20120227155055_ekahau.png', )
An email has been SENT successfully from (NoWire Nordic AB) to
Email template:

Tack för din felanmälan Mickey Mouse!
Detta är en bekräftelse på att vi fått din felanmälan, vi återkommer med svar så snart vi behandlat ditt ärende.
Med vänlig hälsning
NoWire Nordic AB

Submitted by 
array ( )

Dummy email:

Företagsnamn: Rock AB
Kundnummer: 79879
Datum: 2012-02-27
Adress: Bjuggvie 34
Postadress: 415 26 Göteborg
Telefon: 0241-232025
Kontaktperson: Mickey Mouse
Email, för svar via epost: [email][/email]
Mobiltelefon: 070459887458
Produkt: AP-700
Artikelnummer: 879-EU
Serienummer: 11UT8685199
Om nätaggregat, serienr på AP *:
Feltyp (Mjukvara/ Hårdvara): Mjukvara

Felbeskrivning: Test, har problem.


Submitted by

GreyHead 27 Feb, 2012
Hi Micke,

What do you have in the Email action Attachments box. I think it needs to be bilaga,bilaga2 with no spaces.

LAMF 27 Feb, 2012
Hi Bob,
That is totally what was needed, i actually found out myself and it's pretty obvious as well 😶
So now after playing around with the fors quite a lot it's time for bigger tasks....

Thanks Bob, if we meet one day I'll surely buy you a pint or two.

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