
decorate my form

yuki 22 Feb, 2012
I created a form with ChronoForms v4.
Here is the form code generated by ChronoForms
<div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_text" id="text1_container_div"><label for="text1">Name</label><input id="text1" maxlength="150" size="30" class="" title="" type="text" value="" name="text1" />
<div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-text1"></div></div><div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_text" id="text2_container_div"><label for="text2">Email</label><input id="text2" maxlength="150" size="30" class="" title="" type="text" value="" name="text2" />
<div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-text2"></div></div><div class="ccms_form_element cfdiv_submit" id="autoID-b2bb173cee779471a0e01a5a1f6dec22_container_div"><input name="input_submit_2" class="" value="Submit" type="submit" />
<div class="clear"></div><div id="error-message-input_submit_2"></div></div>

but I want to add this code
<LEGEND> Personal Information </ LEGEND>

to make my form like this( it's just a simple form created with html )
it's possible or not ?? , if yes how can i do that :?
and thak you 🙂
GreyHead 25 Feb, 2012
Hi Yuki,

I think that I've just replied to this in another thread.

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