
Embed ChronoForms into Projectfork Component

toomanylogins 22 Feb, 2012
I am trying to if chronoforms can be used with the projectfork Joomla component. The idea is simple and similar to embedding a form into an article. Basically the projectfork system has tasks which utilise a html area and I would like to embed a form into the html area. Has anyone done anything similar any ideas if this is relatively straightforward?

GreyHead 22 Feb, 2012
Hi Paul,

I don't know anything about ProjectFork but if it supports Joomla! plug-ins then you may be able to embed a ChronoForms form using the ChronoForms plug-in.

toomanylogins 22 Feb, 2012
Hello Bob,
Projectfork does not have plug-in support therefore the plan is to modify to integrate with the forms component. I have been searching for documentation on how we can retrieve and embed a chronoform. We can parse the html area ie similar to {chronoforms}form_name{/chronoforms}to run some php code is there some form of api we can use to retrive html and data for form?

GreyHead 22 Feb, 2012
Hi Paul,

This is beyond my ken :-( You can get the form information from the Form URL but whether this can be embedded I have no idea. Other users have talked of using the Module within Content plug-in but I guess that won't work here either.

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