
ChronoForms is what allows you to create a form like this

fbs 12 Feb, 2012
How can I create a form like this <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->

Thank you for your help
GreyHead 12 Feb, 2012
Hi fbs,

Build the form section by section, then add the CSS to set the styling.

fbs 12 Feb, 2012
Hi Bob
Thank you for your response css part that's ok no worries
against by this I do not how to display what is on the right side like the picture,

is what can you tell me how to display a preview of what is entered in the input filed
GreyHead 13 Feb, 2012
Hi fbs,

I'm sure that is possible with a little JavaScript to update the preview results.

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