
Changing from Sendmail to SMTP stops Dynamic From working

bazza_vr6 09 Feb, 2012

My client has started using Google Apps.
This has meant changing the MX record on their site. Google now hosts their email.
This immediately meant that emails from the website stopped working.
So I found that I had to change the email setup in Joomla from Sendmail to SMTP (using Google's SMTP server and a username & password from the clients domain, now hosted by Google).
But I now find that emails from the Chronoforms form which are configured to arrive with a Dynamic From field populated by the user are arriving instead with the sender's email address shown as the one that the system is using to log in to Google's SMTP server.

Any advice? As always, your help is much appreciated.

Thanks -

GreyHead 09 Feb, 2012
Hi Barry,

I strongly recommend that you do *not* use the Dynamic From Email element in your Email Setups. Using this often results in your emails being marked as spam and dropped into a spam filter. Instead use the static From Email with an address that matches the site domain name and use Dynamic ReplyTo Email for the user email. The result is the same but with a much better chance of good delivery.

That said, there are some Joomla! bugs in handling Reply To addresses :-( Please see this thread.

bazza_vr6 09 Feb, 2012
Hi, Bob,

Thanks for your reply.

Before I implement your advice, I'm still concerned that:
If I make changes at the Chronoforms level, when Joomla connects to and logs in (with server@... and a password), the email arrives at its destination with the from address shown as "server@...". Will this *really* change if I make changes in Chronoforms?

GreyHead 09 Feb, 2012
Hi Barry,

Almost certainly not. See the thread on Joomla! bugs that I linked to. I think it will pick up the From email address you have set in the site Global Configuration; this doesn't have to be the same as the SMTP Username.

bazza_vr6 10 Feb, 2012
Actually, since the Global Configuration email address (info@...) and SMTP username (server@...) are different, I can see clearly that emails sent in this way arrive with the originating address shown as the SMTP username address (server@...).

So, even if I make the changes to the form that you suggested, won't Joomla screw it up when it logs in to Google's SMTP server with the server@... address?

GreyHead 10 Feb, 2012
Hi Barry,

Sorry, sounds like I got it wrong. Please report the bug to Joomla! and see if you can get a fix into the next release.

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