
Problems with new-forms under 4.0RC3.11

Vesecky 08 Feb, 2012

i have a problem with 4.0RC3.11. After submit-button by new-forms i have a message 404 error. But I no why. In fronted view it is work and all old-forms work too.

Can you help me?

GreyHead 08 Feb, 2012
Hi Vesecky ,

There isn't enough information here to answer your question :-(
What is the URL that gives the 404 error? Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

GreyHead 08 Feb, 2012
Hi Vesecky ,

Please try setting 'Relative URLs' to 'No' on the form General tab (click the Form Name link to open it).

Vesecky 08 Feb, 2012
Hi Grey,

I not understand why but I have before copy old-formsname {chronoforms}baugeraete{/chronoforms} in new site and write only Renten new {chronoforms}Renten{/chronoforms}. I have delete that and wroten {chronoforms}Renten{/chronoforms} new. And this work now🙂 .

Sorry for your time.
GreyHead 08 Feb, 2012
Hi Vesecky,

No problem :-)

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