
How to change the submit button

Crispuchita 07 Feb, 2012
Hi everybody,

i know there are a few topics about it but I must confess that I got lost and I dno't know where to begin. I want to use my own submit button in chronoforms, I made an image button with rollover that fits the layout of my website.
Right now as you all know is the standard submit button, I have read that I have to change in the html and the css but...which of all :?

Please can someone be so kind to help me??
Thanks in advance and kisses from the freezing Holland,

GreyHead 07 Feb, 2012
Hi Cristina,

Use a Custom Element element for the submit button and put your HTML inside it. Add the CSS to a Load CSS action in the On Load event.

Crispuchita 07 Feb, 2012
Dear Bob,

I've being able to add in the css the style for my image and in the form wizard I put in the class the name i give it in the css. But I can see him yet, also if I check with firebug I see this:

.ccms_form_element input, textarea, input[type="file"] {
border: 1px solid #D3D3D3;
margin-bottom: 3px;
padding: 4px !important;
frontf...ght.css (regel 10)
.mysubmit {
background-image: url("../../../images/verzenden.png");

But what i'm missing???🙄

Any suggestions??
Thanks and kisses,
GreyHead 07 Feb, 2012
Hi Cristina,

Do you see the image in FireBug when you hover over the URL?
background-image: url("../../../images/verzenden.png");

You probably need to put a full url path in here as relative URLs don't work well in Joomla! as you can't be certain what they are relative to.

Crispuchita 07 Feb, 2012
Hi Bob,

yes i'm able to see the image on firebug but still i can't see him on the form.
On the submit form wizard i put this:


Name submit
Class mysubmit
Add Back Button
Back Button Text
Add Reset Button
Reset Button Text

But still I can't see the button 😶
GreyHead 08 Feb, 2012
Hi Cristina,

I thought you were going to use a Custom Element for the button?

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

Crispuchita 08 Feb, 2012

Here is the link to my website.
I also put this on the css:

.ccms_form_element .button {
background-color: transparent;
background-image: url("../../../images/verzenden.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 90px;
width: 300px;

.ccms_form_element .button:hover {
background-color: transparant;
text-decoration: none;

Thanks Bob
GreyHead 08 Feb, 2012
Hi Christina,

As I said you need to use a full URL and then to edit the rest of the CSS to match your button:
.mysubmit {
    background: url("/joomla/images/verzenden.png") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;
    border: medium none !important;
    height: 103px;
    width: 211px;

Crispuchita 08 Feb, 2012
oooooo Bob I could kiss you right now!!!!


May I ask you can the button have an hover/rollover??
GreyHead 08 Feb, 2012
Hi Christina,

Thank you.

How do you do a roll-over? What code is required?

Crispuchita 08 Feb, 2012
Hi Bob

I add this to the css:
.mysubmit :hover{
background: url("/joomla/images/verzendenhover.png") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;
border: medium none !important;
height: 103px;
width: 211px;
and this:
.ccms_form_element .button:hover {
background-color: transparent;
background-image: url("/joomla/images/verzendenhover.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 90px;
width: 300px;

I know i'm missing something but where??? don't know??😑
GreyHead 08 Feb, 2012
Hi Christina,

I had a look but don't know what the problem is, sorry. From a Google search support for hover on input elements seems to be variable. You might be able to get it to work by changing the style with JavaScript.

GreyHead 19 Aug, 2012
I've just added this FAQ on adding an image based submit button with hover and disabled versions.

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