
Big & Strange problem - Can't uninstall chronoforms 3

CoreStylerz 07 Feb, 2012
Hi. I uninstalled the previous v3 version of chronoforms and after doing that frontend became blank.
Then i tried to re-install... Nothing.
Then i installed V4, and site is working but... i can't uninstall crhonoforms or the site become blank and two menus where added! look:
[attachment=0]Cronoforms bug.PNG[/attachment]

Im running joomla 1.7.5
Please someone help me to fix and remove!!!
GreyHead 07 Feb, 2012
Hi CoreStylerz,

Is this a site that you've upgraded from Joomla! 1.5?

I think you'll probably have to do a manual uninstall. Find any com_chronoforms and com_chronocontact folders and delete them. Then check the Joomla! database tables #__ components and #__menus I think and delete any ChronoForms records. There may also be a language file now.

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