
[solved] Joomla Registation #403 Access Forbidden

rushseeker 06 Feb, 2012

CF4 Joomla 1.7.4

I'm using Joomla Registration - i'm following the CFV4 joomla registration.pdf...
I set all the field...

When i click submit receive an error #403 Access Forbidden


GreyHead 06 Feb, 2012
Hi rushseeker,

There's not enough information here to diagnose anything.

And is it a 404 'Not Found' Error - as in the post subject, or a 403 'Forbidden' as in the post?

What's the URL and is there any other content with the Error message?

rushseeker 06 Feb, 2012
... for some reason i had : 'Allow User Registration' set to 'Off' in Global Admin... 🙄

Maybe recent upgrade to joomla 1.7.4...

now seems work.

I Hope that this post can help someone.
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