
Custom Server Side Validation chronoforms v4

yuki 02 Feb, 2012
I created two textbox, how do I use the Custom Server Side Validation to ensure that it's the value entered is already in the database or not 😟
yuki 02 Feb, 2012
I use this code but ..😟

$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$req = "SELECT cne from enregistrement";
$resultat = $db->query($req);
while ($row = $resultat->fetch()) {
if($row['cne']==$form->data['cne']) {
$form->validation_errors['cne'] = 'cne existe déja';


if ($i) {
  return false;
GreyHead 02 Feb, 2012
Hi juki,

It looks as though you switched from Joomla! DB code to PHP DB code and the two don't join up properly
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "
    FROM `enregistrement`
    WHERE `cne` = '{$form->data['cne']}' ;
$resultat = $db->loadResult();
if ( $resultat ) {
  $form->validation_errors['cne'] = 'cne existe déja';
  return false;

yuki 03 Feb, 2012
:D 😀 😀 thank youuuu very much it works (y)
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