
Form validation image-not always visible to clients

unwind 01 Feb, 2012
Hi. I have been using the forms since around Nov last year but I get a lot of complaints from people that they cannot view the validation image. Are there browsers that will not support this?

For example if you visit the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page I can see the image so I am not sure why people say they cannot see it? Have I forgotten to include something, is there something better to use? Thanks.
GreyHead 01 Feb, 2012
Hi unwind,

Is it that the image doesn't appear at all, or that is it hard to read?

I think Max added some fixes for problems with the image not always appearing in IE so you should update ChronoForms (wait for the next release as it looks as though there may be a troublesome little bug in the yesterday's one).

If its visibility then switch to the With Fonts option to get a much clearer image IMHO.

unwind 02 Feb, 2012
Thanks for the advice, I will update and check the font.
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