
Data not saving now DB Save drag widget broken (4.0 RC3)

brianhay 01 Feb, 2012
We were having no luck in saving form data to the database table. The table was created fine and form field names matched the database fields and database records were being created but only the cf_id field was being populated with data. All other form fields were blank.

So I trawled the forum looking for solutions and tried a few things just using the chronoforms interface, and now the interface is completely broken. See the snapshot below, down near DB Save. All the events including DB Save and beyond can no longer be moved, deleted or configured.

To the best of my knowledge, what I was doing when this occured was that I was in the DB Save edit dialog and was disabling and applying then re-enabling DB Save (as previous forum posts had suggested may work). I also may have clicked the DB Save > Advanced tab and hit the "Refresh table list" button. There was some extraneous HTML tags and CSS in the table field that appeared and should not have been there, and I think part of that (the close tag) is what is displaying somehow in the screen grab above and messing everything up.
GreyHead 01 Feb, 2012
Hi brianhay,

Hmmm . . . I can partially replicate this. If you click the Refresh Tables list button without a working DB Connection on the Advanced tab and Site Error Reporting is on then you get an error message like this in the dropdown:

<br /> <b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>C:\xampp\htdocs\joomla2.5a\administrator\components\com_chronoforms\form_actions\db_save\db_save.php</b> on line <b>120</b><br /> ">

I was still able to use the DB Save though and setting Site Error Reporting to None and re-clicking the Refresh Tables button cleared the saved error (I did get a waiting message but after saving the box just shows a '-').

My best guess is that this form is now dead :-( It might be possible to recover it by getting the actions list out of the database, decoding, editing re-encoding and then re-saving but my guess is that recreating the form may be simpler.

I'll record a bug on the RC3.1 bugs list.

brianhay 01 Feb, 2012
Thanks Bob,

Do you have any idea why it wasn't saving form data to the database?

GreyHead 01 Feb, 2012
Hi Brian,

Not without more info. I just checked and DB Save is working OK in RC3.11

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug results here.

brianhay 02 Feb, 2012
Hi Bob,

We created a new form, created the table and connected it to the form. I confirmed in phpmyadmin that the table and fields had been created successfully. However, it's still not saving form data to the table. Error = "Tablechronoforms_data_NSFFeedback_Form::bind failed. Invalid from argument". Here's the full debug information as requested:

Data Array: 
    [understand_privacy_statement] => 1
    [title] => Mr
    [firstname] => Brian
    [surname] => Test
    [email] =>
    [phone] => 0418102336
    [category_feedback] => Suggestion
    [service_standards] => Yes
    [accessibility] => 
    [correct_info] => Yes
    [personal_information] => 
    [staff_attitude] => Yes
    [staff_identification] => 
    [website_feedback] => 
    [third_party_provider] => 
    [provider_name] => fasdasd
    [message] => asdasdasdasda
    [submit] => Submit Feedback
    [068d0de6c51f0c4cfabc88dbc58fc0eb] => 1
    [option] => com_chronoforms
    [chronoform] => NSFFeedback_Form
    [event] => submit
    [Itemid] => 

Debug Data

        An email has been SENT successfully from (NSForum website) to
        Email template:

        A submission was made to the feedback form on the website.
        Title: 	Mr
        Given Name(s): 	Brian
        Family Name(s): 	Test
        Email Address * :
        Telephone Number: 	0418102336

        Feedback relates to:

        Type of Feedback * : 	Suggestion
        Service standards 	Yes
        Accessibility of client service 	
        Clear and correct information 	Yes
        Personal information 	
        Staff Attitude 	Yes
        Staff identification 	

        Your feedback relates to our website? 	

        Third party service provider 	
        Respite service agency name 	fasdasd
        Message Details * 	asdasdasdasda

        Submitted by
        array ( )
    Tablechronoforms_data_NSFFeedback_Form::bind failed. Invalid from argument
GreyHead 03 Feb, 2012
Hi brianhay,

There was a DB Save bug in CFv4 RC3.1 that has been fixed in RC3.11. plese upgrade if you haven't already done so.

If there still a problem by all means email or PM me the site URL and a SuperAdmin login and I'll take a quick look.

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