
[SOLVED] Max field???

darknet01001 31 Jan, 2012
i have a really hudge form with something like 80 field i put a jquery toogle for do a stucture
but impossible to add new field. When i click save i'm directly redirect to jommla administration homepage. i try on a other joomla website but i get the same problem.
i'm running on joomla 1.6.0
i put my form in attachement (other people can use it to do hudge form it's really cool.... when it's work)

please heeelp mee

P.S 0.1:sorry for my poor english

P.S 0.2 : replace the custom code named "core engine" that code to don't have conflict and keep the java validation and the tooltip
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> 

 var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function() {
// choix du texte a show/hide
var showText='+/-';
var hideText='+/-';

var is_visible = false;

$j('.toggle').prev().append(' (<a href="#" class="toggleLink">'+showText+'</a>)');


$j('a.toggleLink').click(function() {

is_visible = !is_visible;


return false;

GreyHead 31 Jan, 2012
Hi darknet01001,

This is most likely because of security settings on your server. If suhosin is running then these three settings need to be at least 1,000 (possibly 2,000 if you use large forms).


darknet01001 01 Feb, 2012
thank you
right i test my form on my local server and no problem because no suhosin 😀
that's can't be my form or chronoform.... just the server configuration.
i send a request to my server provider. normally i can add a new php.ini but i need more information on that.

thank you so much for your quick answer.
i give you the result as soon it's possible.

darknet01001 02 Feb, 2012
ok i have changed my php.ini and now everything is well in a better world.

you give me a big hand
thank you
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