
How to do a POST

ferdiaob 30 Jan, 2012
Hey guys,

Easy one that after a good hour of searching, I can't find an answer to.

How do you do a post, using the On Submit area on the Advanced Wizard? I have a few actions set up, including database save, and want to round it all off by posting the user values to another page. How would I go about this? I know you can set a Submit URL but that disables all of my actions...

GreyHead 31 Jan, 2012
Hi Ferdia,

What kind of 'other page' do you have in mind?

You can use the Data to Session to pass data? or you can use the ReDirect URL + ReDirect User; or you can build a 'dummy form' that self submits if you have to use POST.

ferdiaob 31 Jan, 2012
Hi Bob,

Thanks for your reply. I wanna post the values over to Paypal to finish off the transaction. Which of your suggestions would work best for that?


Edit: I actually figured out what you ment by a self-submitting form. It's now doing the job perfectly.

Thanks Bob,
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