
Data Displayer, is this a bug?

markhayes 27 Jan, 2012

I am using the data displayer feature of DB multi record loader. I have pagination set and while it works, I see the following symbols on the web page? Any ideas?

GreyHead 29 Jan, 2012
Hi Mark,

Could it be a character set problem with the fonts on your page? Maybe arrows < > being replaced by coffee cups?

markhayes 30 Jan, 2012

Ok thanks for that. Problem is I have no idea how to run with that. I am using ootb everything here. I imagine you are suggesting to change the character set, but how can I do that for this specific module?

Sorry about the novice question.

GreyHead 30 Jan, 2012
Hi Mark,

I'm just guessing - not something I've seen before. Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

markhayes 01 Feb, 2012
Hi Bob,

I dropped you a mail due to the nature of the data. Great if you can have look. No rush.

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