I have put the param om 1, to be sure if more than 1 records would give the message"> Custom Server Side validation - Forums


Custom Server Side validation

SPABO 23 Jan, 2012
Next to tackle....the following code, which worked nicely in V3, does not give any resukts in V4
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$pst = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS %s FROM %s
  WHERE %s = %s";
$query = sprintf(
$result = $db->loadObject();
$total = $result->items+1;
if (($total = $result->items+1)>1) {
Return "Here the message : too many etc etc";

I have put the param om 1, to be sure if more than 1 records would give the message
SPABO 24 Jan, 2012
Sorry, the previous topic is solved now, but this
Customer Server Side Validation

If the nr of records exceeds a "value" it should return an error message
Tried the following, (with no success)
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$pst = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS %s FROM %s
  WHERE %s = %s";
$query = sprintf(
$result = $db->loadObject();
$total = $result->items+1;
$form->data['total'] = $total;
if ($form->data['total']>1) 
Return "Dear etc etc , sorry, etc etc";
SPABO 24 Jan, 2012
Sorry for bumping, but pls could you help, I'm now trying and trying, but I;m missing the point apperently
GreyHead 24 Jan, 2012

If in doubt check the Help tab.

In CFV4 the syntax has changed: replace
Return "Dear etc etc , sorry, etc etc";
  $form->validation_errors['some_input_name'] = "Dear etc etc , sorry, etc etc";
  return false;

SPABO 25 Jan, 2012
Dear Bob,
I tried this as wel, however , it does not show any error message
This is what I now have put in:
    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $pst = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS %s FROM %s
      WHERE %s = %s";
    $query = sprintf(
    $result = $db->loadObject();
    $total = $result->items+1;
    $form->data['total'] = $total;
    if ($form->data['total']>5){
    $form->validation_errors['datum'] = "Dear etc etc , sorry, etc etc";
      return false;}
SPABO 27 Jan, 2012
Yes.....It works now...
Also had to play around how to order the various events, and you must not put the Lopp Event on "Submit" !!
I have one moer question on this topic.
How to remove the text under the fieldname, see picture

Look forward hearing from you soon

Pls find the code as well
    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $pst = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS %s FROM %s
      WHERE %s = %s";
    $query = sprintf(
    $result = $db->loadObject();
    $total = $result->items+1;
    $form->data['total'] = $total;
    if (($result->items+1)>5){
    $form->validation_errors['datum'] = 
    "Helaas, het maximum aantal deelnemers is reeds bereikt!<br>
    Stuur een e-mail naar de wedstrijdleiding als u op de<br>
    reservelijst wenst te komen.";
    return false;}
GreyHead 29 Jan, 2012

I don't think you can - you could hide them with CSS or CSS + JavaScript though.

There is a setting on the Form General tab to turn off the Top Messages but I don't see any option to turn off the messages under the input.

SPABO 29 Jan, 2012
No problem Bob.

Pls put it on the "wishlist"

Tx so far!
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