
Register A MySql Data Base with Chrono Forms

doug4r 21 Jan, 2012
I have added 2 MySql databases through my control panels and have created a table in each database. But, when I click on Data Base setting, my databases are no shown in the list of available databases.

GreyHead 22 Jan, 2012
Hi Doug,

Sorry I don't understand the question. Where exactly do you see a list of databases? The DB actions show lists of tables inside the Joomla! database schema. If you need to connect to other databases that are acccesible from your server then you can use the Advanced tabs for the settings.

doug4r 22 Jan, 2012

I did find the advanced tab and added my DB which is on my site. But, when I pull down on the DB list, I still see only ones part of Joomla.
GreyHead 22 Jan, 2012
Hi Doug,

I haven't used this feature but as far as I can see you should get a drop-down list of tables from the second database on the Advanced tab once you have extablished a connection correctly.

Max_admin 23 Jan, 2012
Hi Doug,

Did you click the "update tables list" button ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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