
Is Chronoforms compatible with Joomla 2.5?

prsweb 16 Jan, 2012
Is Chronoforms v4_RC3 compatible with Joomla 2.5? I tried installing it on a Joomla 2.5 beta2 test site, and I was unable to make the component work. I installed the component, plugin and module. They seem to install fine, but I am unable to launch Chronoforms. Will there be an update available when Joomla releases v2.5?
GreyHead 16 Jan, 2012
Max has now released ChronoForms v4 RC3.1 which is updated to Joomla! 2.5 Please download from the Downloads area here and use that instead of making the tweaks here.

Hi prsweb,

I just made a test installation and a couple of tweaks are required.

If you are upgrading an existing installation, or you can edit files on your site then do this:
  • Install ChronoForms V4 RC3.0 on Joomla! 2.5 (it won't work correctly at this point)

  • Open the folder administrator/components/com_chronoforms/versions, make a copy of the j1.7 folder and rename it j2.5.

  • Open the file administrator/components/com_chronoforms/admin.chronoforms.php and add the two lines shown around line 18 (if you unzip the installer it's the admin/admin.chronoforms.php file)
    // add these two lines
    $task = JRequest::getString('task');
    $option = strtolower(JRequest::getCmd('option'));
    //clean the $_POST data
    $_POST = JRequest::get('post', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
  • [/list:o]

    If you want or need to edit the files locally before you install then make the same changes in the installer package:
  • Unzip the package

  • Open the folder admin/versions, make a copy of the j1.7 folder and rename it j2.5.

  • Open the file admin/admin.chronoforms.php and add the two lines shown above at around line 18

  • Rezip the package and install into Joomla!
  • [/list:o]

    After this the component seems to load and I can create a form OK. I have only done a tiny test and there may be other fixes required. If you find any bugs please post them here.

    I expect that Max will have an official 2.5 release before too long.

    Tom van HELL 25 Jan, 2012
    Where can i find the folders versions,and the j1.7 folder
    poke 25 Jan, 2012
    it's the first step:
    Open the folder administrator/components/com_chronoforms/versions, make a copy of the j1.7 folder and rename it j2.5
    Tom van HELL 25 Jan, 2012
    I have not a folder versions in administrator/components/com_chronoforms
    i have Chronoforms_V4

    in the admin I see
    Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to access /public/sites/ in /public/sites/ on line 15
    Warning: require_once(/public/sites/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /public/sites/ on line 15
    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/public/sites/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /public/sites/ on line 15
    Tom van HELL 25 Jan, 2012
    I unpacked the zip extension and uploaded with FTP. and overwrite the folder
    it works now
    dagger2002 25 Jan, 2012
    I have done the tweak, and am not able to delete a form.

    So this may be another issue.

    Thanks for the help. Can't wait for the 2.5 compatible version.

    GreyHead 25 Jan, 2012
    Hi dagger2002,

    Deleting a form seems to work OK here.

    riga75 26 Jan, 2012
    The version of "definitive" more or less between what is available?
    Thank you and congratulations for the work you are doing, ChronoForms is the best form component to create
    fribse 26 Jan, 2012
  • Install ChronoForms V4 RC3.0 on Joomla! 2.5 (it won't work correctly at this point)[/quote]
  • Open the folder administrator/components/com_chronoforms/versions, make a copy of the j1.7 folder and rename it j2.5.[/quote]

  • Open the file administrator/components/com_chronoforms/admin.chronoforms.php and add the two lines shown around line 18 (if you unzip the installer it's the admin/admin.chronoforms.php file)[/quote]
    // add these two lines
    $task = JRequest::getString('task');
    $option = strtolower(JRequest::getCmd('option'));
    //clean the $_POST data
    $_POST = JRequest::get('post', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
  • [/list:o]

    Say what? Which 2 lines, there are several more here?
    'around line 18', my line 10 and onwards reads:
    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
    function __getValStatus(){
    	$mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
    	$database =& JFactory::getDBO();
    	$database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__extensions WHERE `element` = 'com_chronoforms' AND `type` = 'component'");
    	$result = $database->loadObject();
    		$params = new JParameter($result->params);
    		return (bool)$params->get('licensevalid', 0);
    		return false;

    so line 18 is
    return (bool)$params->get('licensevalid', 0);


    I've taken the entire section in the code box, and added it after
    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

    and that seems to work?
    GreyHead 26 Jan, 2012
    HI Fribse,

    Please check the path for the admin.chronoforms.php file - you are editing the one in the versions folder.

    keske 28 Jan, 2012
    Thanks a lot Bob, works like a charm
    fribse 28 Jan, 2012

    HI Fribse,

    Please check the path for the admin.chronoforms.php file - you are editing the one in the versions folder.


    😶 Got it, thanks!
    webbman66 29 Jan, 2012
    Thanks guys! This worked for me.

    1. Did fresh Joomla 2.5 install.
    2. Installed Chronoforms_V4_RC3.0_J1.6
    3. Installed without producing any errors.
    4. Chronoforms showed in my administrator components list, however produced a blank white page whenever a menu item was selected.
    5. Made a copy of the j1.7 folder and renamed it j2.5 (administrator/components/com_chronoforms/versions).
    6. This allowed me to select chronoforms from the administrator component list, however only the header menu items would show. Absolutely no functionality.
    7. Added the 2 lines as mentioned in the earlier posts (administrator/components/com_chronoforms/admin.chronoforms.php)
    // add these two lines
    $task = JRequest::getString('task');
    $option = strtolower(JRequest::getCmd('option'));
    //clean the $_POST data
    $_POST = JRequest::get('post', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);

    8. Everything works great!

    Thanks everyone!
    tfk 30 Jan, 2012
    Make sure that you have v4 RC3.0 installed. I didn't have a Versions folder until I did that.

    Seems to work great now! Thanks for quick fix!
    prsweb 30 Jan, 2012
    The fix worked for me, but I would like some more clarification. When you say "add the two lines shown around line 18", I assume that you mean the lines that begin with $task and $option.

    What about the line concerning cleaning the post data? Should I also add the line beginning with $_Post?


    // add these two lines
    $task = JRequest::getString('task');
    $option = strtolower(JRequest::getCmd('option'));

    //clean the $_POST data
    $_POST = JRequest::get('post', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
    GreyHead 31 Jan, 2012
    Hi preweb,
    If you open the file to edit it then it is pretty obvious which lines already exist and which have to be added . . .

    But Max has now released ChronoForms v4 RC3.1 which is updated to Joomla! 2.5 Please download from the Downloads area here and use that instead.

    giudansky 08 Feb, 2012
    I have updated to chronoform4 3.11, everything works fine in the frontend, in the backend I cant open nor the form settings nor the form wizard anymore.
    I didnt get if the 3.11 resolved the issue with joomla 2.5 or if it needs the tweaking you're talking about.

    Should I uninstall and reinstall ?

    GreyHead 08 Feb, 2012
    Hi giudansky,

    Ther should be no problem with Joomla! 2.5 from RC3.1. It's running OK for me here. Your problem sounds like a JavaScript problem - are there any errors showing?

    nielsel 29 Feb, 2012
    I have done a new installation of joomla 2.5 and installed chronoform and only get the 500 internal server error.
    Have you any idear on whats gon wrong.
    Regards Lasse
    GreyHead 29 Feb, 2012
    Hi Lasse,

    No idea at all. It's running OK here.

    What version of ChronoForms did you download and install?

    nodun 01 Mar, 2012

    I've installed your component + plugins + modules, checked the instruction that you've wrote, but it is all done already.

    Even though i have error while i try to open this component in admin panel:

    Fatal error: Class 'ChronoFormsAdmin' not found in /administrator/components/com_chronoforms/admin.chronoforms.php on line 88
    GreyHead 01 Mar, 2012
    Hi nodun,

    I haven't seen this problem but you are the second person here to report it. Please try re-installing ChronoForms - the 'missing' class is in the same file so I'm not sure what is happening.

    nodun 01 Mar, 2012
    I reinstalled this component and still same bug.
    GreyHead 01 Mar, 2012
    Hi nodum,

    Please would you be kind enough to report the problem directly to Max using the Contact Us link above. Hopefully he will have some idea what is happening and be able to fix it.

    Just to confirm - you have the lates release ChronoForms v4 RC3.2 ?

    nodun 01 Mar, 2012

    Yes this is the last release.
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