
Custom actions in V4

jonnyboy1974 16 Jan, 2012

Can anyone give me some help creating a simple action for the new version of Chronoforms?

What i want is to simple have an action i which i can add to form which allows me to use the inbuilt Joomla messaging system.

I can use the following code in a custom code block but as i am using the code in a few forms it would be nice to use the new Chronoforms modular design and create a custom action :-D

$mess = '<div class="box-info">Thank you for creating a new request.</div>';
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage( $mess );

The action would require a text input to allow entry of the message.

Many thanks in advance
GreyHead 16 Jan, 2012
Hi John,

The easiest way is to copy and edit an existing action. The ShowStopper action is the most basic - it just executes one line of code. This will give you the minimum structure. Next up is probably the ReDirect User action; this is also pretty simple and has a single inputs. There is a little code in the PHP file but most of it is to do with checking the URL and setting debug messages.

The most important thig is to choose a unique name and to make sure that this is used everywhere.

jonnyboy1974 16 Jan, 2012
Thanks very much Bob for the info.
Can i aks you one more thing and that is how do you uninstall the custom actions too?

Many thanks for the support and all the great work that you do on Chronoforms Bob

GreyHead 16 Jan, 2012
Hi John,

Remove them from any forms then delete the action folder. Crude but it works.

jonnyboy1974 16 Jan, 2012
Hey Bob

Your support is amazing .... many thanks :-D
Have a great day

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