
CFv4rc3 not sending emails on a new Hosting

alforau 15 Jan, 2012

I am migrating from aruba to hostgator using a different domain-name

The first demo simple fresh site worked well on aruba,
using smtp or php mailer.

on the hostgator seems to be all Ok,
except the original installed & validated CFv4rc3.0
is not sending emails from a simple form.

No errors are showed.

I also fixed all the absolute old paths still in the new akeeba-restored-installation.
GreyHead 15 Jan, 2012
Hi alforau ,

Does your new site send emails at all? For example from a 'mail a friend' link in an article?

Please add a debugger action to your form On Submit event pand copy an paste the output here.

alforau 15 Jan, 2012
the standard joomla 1.73 registration form works
currently set on smtp authenticated (security-none) on port 26

I'll be back with the debug log
(Apologize I forgot of this feature)
alforau 15 Jan, 2012
// Debuggger event just before sendemail event

Data Array:

[subdomain] => sunday1743
[submit] => Submit
[50bf0eb30130ea39eae5c62119690104] => 1
[option] => com_chronoforms
[view] => form
[Itemid] => 481
[chronoform] => subdomain-request
[event] => submit
[cfu_id] => 46
[cfu_name] => anuser Demo
[cfu_username] => anuserdemo
[cfu_email] => [email][/email]
[cfu_block] => 0
[cfu_registerDate] => 2012-01-13 18:57:20
[cfu_lastvisitDate] => 2012-01-15 13:09:04
[cfu_params] => Array

[cfu_groups] => Array
[Registered] => 2

[cfu_guest] => 0
[cfu_aid] => 0
[cfu_params_language] =>
[cfu_params_editor] =>
[cfu_params_timezone] =>

Debug Data

User info
Array ( [cfu_id] => 46 [cfu_name] => anuser Demo [cfu_username] => anuserdemo

[cfu_email] => [email][/email] [cfu_block] => 0 [cfu_registerDate] => 2012-01-13

18:57:20 [cfu_lastvisitDate] => 2012-01-15 13:09:04 [cfu_params] => Array ( ) [cfu_groups]

=> Array ( [Registered] => 2 ) [cfu_guest] => 0 [cfu_aid] => 0 [cfu_params_language] =>

[cfu_params_editor] => [cfu_params_timezone] => )
An email has been SENT successfully from (ews subdomain) to

Email template:

User Subdomain-Request
subdomain= sunday1743
name= anuser Demo
username= anuserdemo
email= [email][/email]
id= 46

GreyHead 15 Jan, 2012
Hi alforau,

This line tells us that ChronoForms passed the email to the Joomla! mailer and got an OK message back. The OK messages aren't 100% relaible but the most likely explanation si that it was sent but ended up in a spam trap or spam folder somewhere en route.

If you are using sub-domain in the email address domain it might be worth testing using a From address with just the main domain to see if that makes a difference.

alforau 15 Jan, 2012
the subdomain at the moment is nothing more than a label
The form just send the edit-box to the site administrator and nothing more.

I try to forward your comment to the hostgator staff

I wish to solve this issue for further migrations

[update: the same happens using php mailer,
the only thing different about the 2 twin sites is a missing "www" in the urls]
GreyHead 15 Jan, 2012
Hi alforau,

The form just send the edit-box to the site administrator and nothing more.
So the form *is* sending an email, but only to the admin? I'm confused :-(

alforau 15 Jan, 2012
I mean the owner of the email ----> [email][/email]

submitting the form just send the content to that email address written in the static panel of the emailsend event

anyway to make things more simple
I have installed a new fresh joomla 1.73 site
and installed a fresh chronoforms component

I made a simple form with just "submit" button and sendmail event
The problem is exactly the same:
Joomla sends emails while CF does not

That means that is not a migration issue.

(actually it looks as a spam trap as you said)
GreyHead 15 Jan, 2012
Hi alforau,

So it is sending emails with a static To Email Address but not an email with a Dynamic To Email address??? I'm now very confused :-(

alforau 15 Jan, 2012
I'm doing it wrong?
I'm going to check the CF instructions again.

I am using static and I left dynamic panel empty

The mail that is working is just that sent by the joomla registration procedure.
alforau 16 Jan, 2012
There was just a cancelled forwarding in the email-chain.
It may be an hint for a new joke.
thanks for the help
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