
Wouldn't get required static "from email"

httpd 09 Jan, 2012
today i tried chronocontact v4 with joomla 1.7.3. I saw that on each created form is to fill the required field "from email" at the static tab. If i get submitted forms from the site, there is no possibiltity to send answer to submitters adress, except if i make an additional entry on the "dynamic button" and fill the field of "dynamic from" with the field name's variable-name. So i get a mail with two different submitters (one the required and the other the real one)

That's not what i want. I want to click "response" in the mail and that only the submitter gets response without some tricks like clicking answer to only one of submitters.

If there is no configuration to make me happy, can i make override of files to desire me? Think that i found the string to standard-mail-submitter ([email][/email]) wich is shown in mail if i leave "from email" empty in static tab

Hope u can help me, and sorry for bad english (i'm german)
Best regards
GreyHead 10 Jan, 2012
Hi httpd,

This is a Joomla! bug - please see this post for a code hack to fix it.

I strongly recommend that you do *not* use the Dynamic From Email element in your Email Setups. Using this often results in your emails being marked as spam and dropped into a spam filter. Instead use the static From Email with an address that matches the site domain name and use Dynamic ReplyTo Email for the user email. The result is the same but with a much better chance of good delivery.

httpd 10 Jan, 2012
Thx Bob,
you helped me. Now i use mail with static settings to send the form from the site to me. Included is the submitters mail-adress, wich i defined to transmit in the mail-template. An second mail(with different settings, they are dynamic, would be sent to the user. The urgent one is that i get user's form. If they don't get their autogenerated response, it's something which i can accept.

Best regards
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