
Warn if using CC features with 'mail' mailer

dmerrill 01 Mar, 2008
Mail's CC doesn't seem to work using the PHP Mailer option (even on linux). I just spent a long time learning this issue -- hadn't sent any emails from Joomla using CC until using ChronoForms.

Would be helpful for the next poor schmoe to hit this to get a warning from ChronoForms when using the CC feature (either from General or Special Fields tab), and the mailer configuration is PHP Mailer. I think this limitation applies to BCC, as well.

GreyHead 01 Mar, 2008
Hi dmerrill,

Looks as though this has been fixed in later releases of PHPMailer see here.

Bob<br><br>Post edited by: GreyHead, at: 2008/03/01 11:01
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