
Problem Installing to Joomla 1.5

wzz3kl 29 Feb, 2008
Via the "rip & replace" method, I upgraded from Joomla 1.0.12 to Joomla 1.5. I had Chronoforms installed in the old version. I'm now trying to install the 1.5 version of Chronoforms onto my new Joomla install. I get the following error:

Component Install: Another Component is already using directory: "../components/com_chronocontact"

So, I went to the components directory and deleted the com_chronocontact folder and I still get the error. Is there anything else I need to delete that is hanging around from my legacy joomla install to make this work?
GreyHead 29 Feb, 2008
Hi wzz3kl,

You need to check both the components/com_chronocontact and the admin/componenets/com_chronocontact folders - preferably delete both. I've found that sometimes the default.ttf font file cannot be deleted whilst my server is running😟

We've also had this error when there were some errors in the com_chronoForms.xml file but these have all been fixed and I haven't seen any recent reports. It seems that Joomla gives this error if it has any file problems😟

Hope this helps.

wzz3kl 29 Feb, 2008
Thanks Bob. Deleting the file from the admin folder worked. I Just didn't realize it was there.
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