It seems to exist for others, but I have found no concrete solution. My question is: does Chronoforms work on Joomla 1.5? If so, can someone please help me with my problem?Thank you in advance, Antony"> Chronoforms & Joomla 1.5 - Forums


Chronoforms & Joomla 1.5

antonyaddy 27 Feb, 2008
Hi all,

I have tried to find a solution to my problem since installing Chronoforms on my template (Rockettheme Hivemind Joomla 1.5) for the following error -
Notice: Undefined variable: imver in /home/headland/public_html/components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.php on line 152
Post" action="index.php?option=com_chronocontact&task=send&chronoformname=contact_form" >

It seems to exist for others, but I have found no concrete solution.

My question is: does Chronoforms work on Joomla 1.5? If so, can someone please help me with my problem?

Thank you in advance,
GreyHead 27 Feb, 2008
Hi Anthony,

It's a PHP warning, Max is fixing them with each release, meanwhile go to Global Configuration | Server and set Error notices to 'System Default' and they'll probably disappear.

antonyaddy 27 Feb, 2008
Hi Bob,

Global Configuration | Server and set Error notices to 'System Default' and they'll probably disappear.

I did this Bob, but notices did not disappear. Is there any other way to make them disappear?

Thank you in advance,
antonyaddy 28 Feb, 2008
Bob and all,

I have asked a friend who knows PHP to look into the problem for me. I have attached a .txt file that is the chronocontact.php file my friend has modified. It took away all the errors, so if it can be useful please feel free to use it. Bear in mind I'm not technical, but am simply passing on something from a technical person, so use at your own risk.

I had another problem with the sender and subject fields not showing when the completed contact form was emailed (nothing to do with above issue), so I reinstalled Chronoforms and I am now getting the notice

Post" action="index.php?option=com_chronocontact&task=send&chronoformname=antony_headland" >

at]. Does anyone know where that stems from?

Antony [file size=4899][/file]<br><br>Post edited by: antonyaddy, at: 2008/02/27 20:50
GreyHead 28 Feb, 2008
Hi antonyaddy,

The form looks OK now - have you fixed all the problems?


PS Thanks for the amended file.
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