Hey all,
Just started using this awesome component. It works really good and easy. Only 1 question, is it possible to attach an image to the form and have it sent along with the results to an e-mail recipient? I tried adding the enctype="multipart/form-data" to the form tag, but it does not help in sending the image. (of course i also have the <input type=file> field in my form)
Maybe someone know how to get this done? Would really appreciate it.
many thnx in advance!
Currently you cant do this without a core hack which may not be hard if you know some PHP, however this feature will be available very soon, in V 2.1 if you can wait a few days!!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
wow, thnx for the quick reply!
Of course i can wait a few days!
I know php pretty well, but i would not want go messing around in your code especially if you are already implementing the feature.
Thnx for you hard work,i'm sure i speak for lot of people when i say we appreciate it!
Hi, just tried the new version with the image upload.
Maybe i'm doing something wrong, but the image does not get attached to the e-mail. I set the field name, the type (jpg) in the settings, also max and min size.
But when i submit the form all i get is the path to the image on the users computer.
Maybe i'm missing some important step?
p.s Image upload is also inabled of course
I think i found it, it sends the attachment trough mail, and uploads it into a folder called upload in the chronoform components folder. But you have to set the enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form tag in your setting as well.<br><br>Post edited by: Reaper, at: 2007/06/22 20:32
Of course, thats it!!🙂
Ah, if you like this component, please help us by posting a vote/review for it at the extensions dir of joomla!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?