I tried validate a form in W3C Markup Validation Service and don't pass it, due two markup errors in mambots/content/chronocontact.php code, listed below:
Line 59. The element must end with /> instead > and the attribute value is empty without reason.
Must be:
Line 60. The attribute alt does not exist in <img> tag and the element must end with /> instead >
Must be:
I tried validate a form in W3C Markup Validation Service and don't pass it, due two markup errors in mambots/content/chronocontact.php code, listed below:
Line 59. The element must end with /> instead > and the attribute value is empty without reason.
<input name="chrono_verification" type="text" id="chrono_verification" value="">
Must be:
<input name="chrono_verification" type="text" id="chrono_verification" value="" />
Line 60. The attribute alt does not exist in <img> tag and the element must end with /> instead >
<img src="'.$mosConfig_live_site.'/administrator/
Must be:
<img src="'.$mosConfig_live_site.'/administrator/
components/com_chronocontact/chrono_verification.php" />';