Hi Ricardo,
Please remove the ; from the query and include another line to actually fetch the results into a usable array :
$vuelos = $database->loadObjectList();
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Nope that didn't do it.
Could it be something related to the site configuration, or do I have to include any file in the form's code?
How can I check if the variable $database actually holds something? I tried echo $database but it doesn't output anything.
Hi Ricardo,
Hmmm . . . scratches head . . . please will you take a backup copy of the form from the ChronoForms Form Manager and post it here or email it to me at the address in my sig.
Which versions of Joomla & ChronoForms are you using?
ChronoForms Version: 2.5 J1.5 RC1
Joomla: 1.5 RC3
The backup copy of the form, using your code. I checked it without the PHP code and it was ok:
[file name=vuelos.cfbak size=4341]http://www.chronoengine.com/components/com_fireboard/uploaded/files/vuelos.cfbak[/file]<br><br>Post edited by: ricardo_arango, at: 2007/12/20 17:37
Hi Ricardo,
Sorry, please attach it as a file - too much gets corrupted when it comes in as code. Thanks
I also have another form for contact which is working fine. I don't use PHP in it, but it might help. [file name=Contacto.cfbak size=10045]http://www.chronoengine.com/components/com_fireboard/uploaded/files/Contacto.cfbak[/file]<br><br>Post edited by: ricardo_arango, at: 2007/12/20 17:58