
Chronforms doesn't work

arvendal 02 Dec, 2007
Chronoforms will not work in my Joomla 1.0.13 installation. I use version 2.3.6.

First: there's no config option in menu components - chronoforms

Second: there are lots of characters already entered in serveral fields under the tabs when you create a new form, for ex: CC mail: <font color=ff0000>Notice: Undefined property: ccemail in /usr/local/pem/vhosts/114043/webspace/httpdocs/administrator/components/com_chronocontact/admin.chronocontact.html.php on line 164</font>.

Third: There's no option to use secure images under the anti-spam tag and no sample image. See attached file. Captcha works on other php pages in the web site.

All folders are 777.

Does anyone know what's the problem?<br><br>Post edited by: arvendal, at: 2007/12/02 16:07
arvendal 02 Dec, 2007
Update: I looked in the folders on the server and there are lots of files that are not installed, although I use the ordinary Joomla web installer. The folder compontents has 777 as rights. I can't understand what's wrong. By the way, I am a newbie
GreyHead 02 Dec, 2007
Hi arvendal,

Answering backwards. There are two places in your Joomla site that CheonoForms installs files, in components/com_chronocontact and administrator/components/com_chronocontact. I think that all the files in the installation package go in one or the other.

The 'Notice' that you are seeing results from some untidy coding in ChronoForms that shows up under some circumstances. You can probably kill it by setting your site Error Reporting to Normal instead of Maximum in the Global Configuration | Server tab.

The current version of ChronoForms doesn't have a Configuration menu any more. The video tutorials are out of date, I've added a note there and it's on my to-do list to update them.

I'm not sure what's happening with the ImageVerification tab, it's possible that an error message is corrupting the page (see above) or, that some file is corrupt or missing.

Try fixing the error messages; if that doesn't fix the ImageVerification problem them please copy the html source of the page and send it to me at the address in my sig and I'll take a look.

arvendal 02 Dec, 2007
To lower the error messages level did the trick with the obscure code and the anti-spam tab. But no images show up where I put the fomr (with the help of the mambot). I will send you screen captures of how it looks to your e-mail address.
--Mats Arvendal
GreyHead 02 Dec, 2007
Hi Mats,

Thanks for the email. I think you just need to put {imageverification} on your form html where you want the image to appear.

arvendal 02 Dec, 2007
How stupid of me! But I am just a newbie...


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