
Form data and browser back button

danzenie 25 Sep, 2007
Following another post in the forum, I was able to setup 2 forms for input confirmation before sending. All good, but if the user presses the "Back" button on the browser to make any corrections, all of the inputed data is lost. Is there a setting in chronocontact that will allow for this data to be displayed? Or some code.

Thanks again.
Max_admin 25 Sep, 2007
Hi Danzenie,

If they pressed the back button, then iam not aware of any solution to this!! except me using sessions and getting into much code, may be make the 2nd form submits to the first one on the press of some button like "re enter data", use hidden fields and POST to get the values back!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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