
Using Dynamic Email Fields Only?

marcodeluca 07 Sep, 2011
I'm a little confused about how I create an email action that ONLY sends a confirmation / thank you email to the person who submitted the form. I'm confused because it seems like a static TO email address is always required for each email action.

It's obvious that V4 allows multiple emails to be sent after a form is submitted. We can use the static fields to list multiple email recipients, but we can also create multiple email actions, correct?

Here's what I do not understand. If each email action REQUIRES a static TO email address, how am I supposed to send an email confirmation to the dynamic email address person who submitted the form WITHOUT using a static email address?
Max_admin 09 Sep, 2011
Hi Marco,

You don't need a static To for every email action, you can use a dynamic To instead.

if it doesn't work then please add a debugger action and show us the output

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
marcodeluca 09 Sep, 2011
Okay, well I'm having a bit of a hard time testing because I'm not sure if there are 1,2 or 3 points of failure.

1 - maybe it's me.
2 - I can save an email action without using static info, but it *seems* like static email, contact fields are required because it says they are required. Screenshot attached.
3 - I'm not receiving email action #2. Email action #1 is all static info, sending website ADMIN the results of the form. Works fine.

However, email action #2 is supposed to send form results / thank you email to the person who submitted the form, with the recipient obviously being the static {email} address.

EDIT - forgot to include the error message. Using the params of the screenshot attached, this is what is presented on the frontend after submitting form:

"You must provide at least one recipient e-mail address"

I've been using v4 quite a bit because it is all the awesome, BUT I've never been able to get email actions past #1 working. Even if I use static info, email action #2, #3 etc never fire. That's the only problem I've had so far.
Max_admin 09 Sep, 2011
Hi Marco,

The dynamic field name should be used without brackets, so you should use email instead of {email}

Let me know.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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